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A Szánthó Miklós vezette közpénzből finanszírozott Alapjogokért Központ (anyátok) az állampárti revolveroldallá züllött Mandineren keresztül uszul mindenki ellen, aki nem lép egyszerre. Most a Realnews-ra hivatkozva hoztak le egy hírt a „furry”-kről.
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R. Hobbus J.D. is an internationally acclaimed independent investigative journalist specializing in international politics, health, business, science, conflict resolution, history, geography, mathematics, social issues, feminism, space travel, civil rights, human rights, animal rights, fashion, film, astronomy, classic literature, religion, biology, paranormal activity, the occult, physics, psychology, and creative writing. He has appeared in countless publications including Time Magazine, Newsweek, Playboy, The Economist, The New York Times, Mad Magazine, Hustler, Guns & Ammo, People, Maxim Magazine, Highlights, The 9/11 Commission Report, The New Yorker, Bon Appetite, Rolling Stone, Car & Driver, Soldier of Fortune, Elle, Nintendo Power, National Geographic, and many more. He has received numerous awards for his work including the prestigious Stephen Glass Distinction in Journalistic Integrity (2011), The Oscar Mayer Award for Journalistic Excellence (2003), three Nobel Peace Prize nominations, one Pulitzer in Investigative Reporting (1998), and two Pulitzer Prizes in Commentary (1996, 2008). He resides comfortably in his modest home overlooking the coast of Nantucket surrounded by his wife and twelve cats.
Stephen Glass újságíró, akiről a díjat elnevezték, hírhedett csaló volt, az ő életéről készítették a Shattered Glass című filmet, Oscar Mayer pedig egy virsli.
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