Diplomáciai nyitás Waadeya felé
Eredeti szerző: Kettes
Invitation letter to the President of Waadeya, General Haffaz Alladeen
I have the honour to express my deepest appreciation for the opportunity you afforded me to exchange views on the mismanagement of the economic and political crisis of the western world during my recent visit to Waadeya.
As you are aware, Hungary has made a significant progress in fighting indebtedness, creating jobs and boosting economic growth since my government came to power in 2010. Country leaders with such a broad political support, like ourselves, General, have a special historical responsibility to raise their people with every means available even when they are first rejected by the international community.
We, the people of Hungary, have long studied your great achievements in creating welfare for the whole of the nation, stabilising the demoratic institutions, and exploiting the creative power of your gifted people. We have been largely inspired by the Constitution you gave to the Waadeyan people and transplanted many of the great ideas of yours into our new Basic Law that I had the privilage to give to the people of Hungary, especially with respect to civil rights, the freedom of press, and the burden sharing.
Based on our common thinking on the only appropriate way of managing the historical crisis striking the so called „first world” that has so many unfortunate impacts on countries like ours, it is my pleasure to invite you to Hungary to further deepen the political and economic cooperation between our countries. In addition to that, I would highly appreciate to host the Waadeyan national football team on a friendly match at the inauguration of our new 4th generation stadium in Debrecen in 2014.
Please accept a humble gift from the people of Hungary, a leather-bound print of the Political Declaration of the Hungarian National Assembly on National Cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Viktor Orbán
Prime Minister
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Alaptörvény = Basic Law, priceless.
En meg eletemben nem hallottam ilyen orszagrol. Hunn van???
Na igen ez.az.angolra forditas necces. pl. a miniszterium UK ban Ministry Amerikaban Department szoval magyarul.is oda lehetett volna irni vagy Constitutionnak nevezni esetleg Leader-Law nak(meg vicces is lenne).